Lynn Sheehan, assistant to the director of York Adult Education, visited Lynne Michaud’s Career Planning and Financial Literacy (CPFL) classes. Lynn shared her journey to her current career and administered the WOWI (World Of Work Inventory) to Ms. Michaud’s students.
WOWI is a comprehensive career assessment instrument, which has been carefully constructed to help a person learn the most about him or herself in relation to the wide variety of occupations available. The WOWI provides a personalized profile for each person. As a result, students will receive a listing of occupations most suitable to their unique combination of personality, interests, and skills.
The follow-up lesson to WOWI was to have students summarize and then look for patterns in the other career surveys students have taken in this class, such as John Holland’s Interest Survey, Myers-Briggs Personality Quiz, Naviance Career Clusters, and Multiple Intelligences Survey. One of the first steps to the career planning process is self-awareness and these surveys are just one way to get students to start thinking about their future plans.