Substance Use & Recovery
Substance Use Support at York High School is provided by our School Counselors and Social Workers. The counseling staff identifies and assists students experiencing personal stressors that can impede their school performance, and negatively impact their social and emotional well-being. The counselors meet with students who are navigating a variety of personal issues, including those related to alcohol and other drugs, depression, anxiety, and family and friend stressors to name a few.
If a student is referred for substance use, the counselor will meet with the student per the school policy a minimum of three times. If there is a Code of Conduct violation, school administrators will make a disciplinary recommendation. The counselor will meet for a non-clinical assessment and either refer the student to other services in the school or community or will provide brief counseling to address specific issues.
Visit the Student Services web page for a list of School Counselors and Social Workers and to set up an appointment.
![This is a rainbow colored graphic of healthy things that together make up a healthy lifestyle.](
Local Resources
Choose to Be Healthy - Community health coalition serving southern York County
York Hospital Recovery Center - Offers outpatient treatment for patients with Substance Use Disorders and for those affected by others’ use
Portland Recovery Community Center - Provides support, education and resources for people recovering from and affected by addiction
Day One - Substance use and mental health services designed to reconnect individuals, youth and families to paths of healing and recovery
National Resources
Partnership to End Addiction -Get One-on-One Help to Address Your Child’s Substance Use
National Institute on Drug Abuse - Lead federal agency supporting scientific research on drug use and addiction.
Parent Resources
Parent Helpline: If you or any caregiver, need help navigating your child’s use, you can reach out for One-on-One help, Call 1-855-DRUGFREE, or TEXT to 55753
Addiction is Real - Parent Tool Kit
Commentary: Teen Alcohol Use — Parents Have More Influence Than They Think
Partnerships for Drug-Free Kids is one of the best and most comprehensive resources available to families! Please take a look at the many resources!
Take The Teen Safe Course- Use of drugs and alcohol is associated with the most common causes of death and injury among teens. The earlier a teen begins using substances, the more likely they are to develop a substance use disorder.
Good to Know Maine Them saying "NO" starts with you saying SOMETHING.
Get Smart About Drugs A DEA resource for Parents, Educators & Caregivers
Student Resources
My Life My Quit - Quit vaping on your own terms
Know the Risks: A Youth Guide to E-cigarettes - Information from the CDC
You(th) Asked Us Questions About Vaping - Here are the answers
Good to Know Laws - Maine marijuana laws